No. 1, Alley 219, Fuxing South Rd, Sec. 1 台北市大安區復興南路一段219巷1號
(02) 2781-2518
MRT: ZhongXiao/Fuxing
website: d-jenfood.com Chinese only
$$ (about NT$600-900/person)
visit reviewed: 3/3/2011 & 9/2/2010
Din Jeng Fong features homestyle Cantonese dishes in a old school restaurant, perfect for large family meals. The first time I went, I was impressed with the variety and flavors of dishes that kept coming out for our large table of 20 people. So when we were deciding where to take some out of town friends from Manila (who had already to been to and loved Din Tai Fung and Shin Yeh 101), we decided to take them to Din Jen Fong.
The sizes of the dishes are quite huge, so I don't know how you would eat here solo or even as a couple. Some of the signature dishes also have to be reserved in advance. The menu is in Chinese only, but has photos for each item, with a lots of fried rice, noodles, seafood, braised meats and stews.
duck tongue |
Some of my favorite dishes of the night and must orders were claypot tofu with seafood- the tofu was so silky and melt in your mouth. Perfect with rice.
The panfried dumplings that came with a paper thin crispy bottom and juicy meatfilled center. Everyone squealed when these came out the first time I ate at Din Jen Fong and we had to order a second plate. They weren't as crispy on my second visit, but you could request that they be made extra crispy.
When the Crispy chicken (NT$430/half) comes to the table, be sure to grab a piece with the delicious, crispy skin that crackles as you chew it.
The tender braised beef slices
Needing to be booked in advance, the Claypot sausage rice comes with three types of sausage and is massive. The rice is carmelized and slightly crispy from being cooked in the claypot with sesame oil/soy sauce and a savory accompaniment to the sweet sausage.
Ending the meal with a Chicken cabbage soup.
The prices at Din Jen Fong won't be as dirt cheap as some of other local Chinese restaurants offering up equally delicious food, but the huge family style portions and signature dishes place it on my list of places to consider while taking out family or out of town friends.
Will be in Taipei on Friday, first-time. Glad to have bumped on your blog. I will try to add Din Jen Fong on my food exploration when I get there. Will try to discover more food finds there. Thanks :)
hi Juan! thanks for commenting! hope you have a great trip and that the blog helps you find some of the amazing food Taipei has to offer! be sure to go to a night market!
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